Jolene Kaneshige Photography

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How He Asked: Kauai Surprise Proposal

Recollections of a Romantic exclusive cliffside proposal in Poipu, Kauai.

By Jolene Kaneshige, Ninja Boss Photographer for Jolene Kaneshige Photography.

I had the pleasure of photographing a young couple during their romantic holiday in Poipu, Kauai. He wanted to do something nice, something intimate, something memorable that they could reminisce and talk about for many years to come.

We talked over the phone to discuss his surprise marriage proposal ideas, location, and his goals. He stressed how he wanted his engagement to be away from the other people. I couldn’t have agreed more! In fact, I will often recommend areas that have less foot traffic because its so important to have privacy for special moments like this (it also makes for better photos). We also talked about the cliff side ambiance of the Shipwreck Beach area in Kauai.

In my head I was already formulating a storyboard. I was so excited and romanticizing about telling a grand story of adventure celebrating love where he would profess what’s in his heart on top of a mountain, bend the knee to the love of his life, and ask for her hand in marriage! I was lost in thought and I was loving every minute of it.

After our discussion we agreed on a meeting place and time. I made the travel arrangements and everything was set! A few days later I boarded a plane and arrived in Kauai, after a little flight delay (better safe rather than sorry!). Besides, I had plenty of time to grab supplies and provisions before heading to the site.

About 2 hours before the proposal I walked around the area taking photos of potential proposal spots. I loved the area, there were trees, large rocks, views of the resort and the ocean. The landscape continued as far as the eyes could see unobstructed by technology or other people. However, there was one spot that really stood out to me as I was making my rounds.

I sat on a ledge and watched a large cliff side in wonderment as the ocean’s sets crashed into the large sharp porous rock face. It was almost hypnotic with the melodic sounds of the ocean and I knew that I could admire its deathly force and beauty for hours. Then It hit me, I could be here and get amazingly epic shots of my couple when he proposed to her. It was PERFECT! I took out my long telephoto lens to check the range and angle. Everything looked good! I immediately sent him the marker of the location and some photos. The area was set, all that was left to do was wait.

I took a stroll around the area continuing my photo hunt and took a short rest break at a nearby hotel to sit on a lounge chair. The day quickly turned muggy and the palm trees swayed above me. I really shouldn’t have been looking up at the sky because I could see the dark clouds rolling in. “Please, please, please no rain!” I was hoping that the weather would hold out for us.

My alarm rang and it was time to grab my gear and move into position. I walked back up the heritage trail and sat across the ledge just as planned. Shortly after, my client and his soon to be fiancee rounded the bend and walked to the location. He a was young dashing gentleman and she was mysterious beauty with long dark curly hair. I had them in my sights and watched as the magical proposal moment unfolded.

They took a few selfies and he lead her to the edge of the cliff side. He held her hands and looked deeply into her eyes. She smiled shyly and he told her how much he cared for her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He reached into his pocket and got down on one knee while the ocean’s waves crashed beneath them. She said “yes!” with tears in her eyes, overwhelmed with emotions, she covered her face with her hand, but I could tell she was beaming with joy. I left my hiding place to greet them and they shared their excitement with me as we continued to take photos until the sunset.

That special day you want to pop the BIG question, take a knee, and ask your partner to Marry you, with a surprise marriage proposal in Hawaii, is such an intimate experience. Whether you are surrounded by friends of family or at an exclusive location with absolutely no one around. Remember it is something of your own creation, the stuff real dreams are made of. It can be as big or as small, as simple or extravagant, as you want. The sky’s the limit and every love story is beautiful. Contact Us here at Jolene Kaneshige Photography and let’s make your Hawaii Dream Destination Proposal possible!