Jolene Kaneshige Photography

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Largest Marry Me Sign

Largest Marry Me Sign, Waialae Beach

By, Tabitha Miki Floral Designer for Jolene Kaneshige Photography

We had the privilege to work with The Original Puzzle Company to create a memorable proposal set up for our latest client! It all began with a simple request for a few individual wooden letters that were about a foot tall and to spell “Marry Me”. However, as our ninja photographer and The Original Puzzle Company owner, Evan Knight began to talk about the project itself, they both became extremely excited! He decided to create the largest “Marry Me” sign!

Our ninja photographer contacted the client and after a few more conversations, their custom proposal package was created! It involved the incredibly large “Marry Me” sign and a large heart of rose petals in the sand! The most exciting thing for me was this amazing sign! I couldn’t wait to help set this up! I knew as soon as I heard about this, that it was going to be epic!!

Finally, the day of the proposal arrived! It did not disappoint! We arrived about 1 ½ hours prior to the event for set up. As I was getting our supplies ready for the set up, The Original Puzzle Company van pulled up and me at our secret location. I was floored when I saw the first letter get unloaded, it was taller than me! This was definitely the largest sign I had ever seen!! I’m sure you are wondering how we set up this larger than life proposal? Don’t worry! I am getting to that part! The set up began with a minimum of a 4 man crew. The first step after unloading all the tools and products was to clear the space of any debris and to find a flat space to set up the letters in the sand.

Next, each letter was put in its correct place. After “Marry Me” was spelled out, the stands for each letter was attached to its proper place and nailed in, and the letter was ready to be set up. Once all the letters were attached to their stands, we had everyone take a turn checking to see the letters were straight and the sign looked perfect! It wasn’t only spelling out “Marry Me” that was important;the letters needed to be aligned perfectly as well. We also ran a test run of walking down the path to see how the couple would discover the sign. It’s not only the set up that we pay attention to, it is also the experience that our couples will have along the way that is very important to us!

After our photographer was happy with the way the sign was placed, we set up the rose petal heart in the sand. (I have written a blog on “The Rose Petal Heart” previously. To know more tips and tricks on this, check out our blog archive). This set up usually requires at least 2 people to execute if you want to be able to do it fairly quickly. With the rose petal heart in the sand completed, the rest of our crew cleaned up the area and proceeded to vacate the area to allow the couple to enjoy their moment together. I hope this behind the scenes look at our set up process helped our DIY readers and brought inspiration to those looking to get engaged! Still need assistance? Contact us at Jolene Kaneshige Photography! We would love to tell your story!!