Jolene Kaneshige Photography

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Planning Ahead for your Surprise Proposal

By, Tabitha Miki FDI CFD  Head Floral Designer

Recently, I had a conversation with our head proposal coordinator and ninja photographer about how far in advance most partners plan the proposal. I was quite surprised how many partners plan the actual proposal at the last minute! At first, I wondered why they would plan it last and not before or  around the same time as actually purchasing the ring. We consulted our wise counterparts who explained that most gentlemen will purchase the ring first and hold on to it for quite some time, sometimes they, themselves don’t know when they are going to actually propose. This helped me understand the client's point of view and how we could better serve our clients! 

When is the right time to propose?

This is going to be unique to every couple’s relationship. Please note that I am not a relationship psychologist or marriage counselor, with that being said, my personal advice is that you should have honestly discussed marriage with your partner prior to the surprise proposal and have communicated that marriage is the direction of the relationship. The actual proposal event is what you want to be a surprise, not that you want marriage and your partner does or doesn’t. 

How far in advance should I begin to plan my proposal in Hawaii?

This will all depend on how simple or extravagant that you want the proposal to be. I personally would advise at least a month in advance; even if it is something simple, and/or you are hiring a professional. They still may be able to inspire you with other things you can add to make the day even more memorable! Planning and sometimes ordering props or creating props takes time, so the farther in advance, the better it can be for everyone!

What if I can only begin planning 2 weeks ahead?

If you are planning it and having friends and family assist you, 2 weeks at least gives them time to take off of work to assist and/or rearrange their schedules to be able to help out. 

Yes, there is also time to still hire a professional to help you with your proposal as well. It may be a little more challenging to secure certain activities or venues, but it is still enough time for simple proposal needs.

Why should I plan and/or hire a professional ahead of time?

  • More options of activities you can plan in Oahu to create that memorable day for both of you!

  • Destination Proposals are the best, but it will take time to secure necessary air accommodations, lodgings, etc.

  • There is more time to go over logistics in case of weather, emergencies, etc.

  • Breathing room to create a budget for not just the ring, but to spend on the actual proposal!

  • Less financial stress because there is more time to save and put money aside for the proposal.

  • There is also less stress in general, especially if you hire a professional! If you are planning it yourself and have an outlined plan of attack, you will feel prepared and be able to focus on enjoying the moment. Your nerves will already leave you jittery, don’t allow last minute logistics to change your plan! You should be able to enjoy the moment with your partner! This is an important moment!

I sincerely hope this helps and encourages you to plan ahead to alleviate stress and your nerves for your surprise proposals! Need more inspiration? Check out more of our blogs! Need help planning your surprise proposal? Send us a message! We would love to tell your story!