Jolene Kaneshige Photography

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Making Rainbows Out Of Rain (Reflections On A Proposal Set Up)

By, Tabitha Miki FDI Head Floral Designer

I am not sure who coined the phrase: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, but whoever did was a genius! It certainly helps describe the situation my setup partners and I found myself in after a romantic Hawaiian proposal package setup. We had just finished “setting the scene” for our couple, who I will call Hannah and Brady. The beautiful blue Hawaiian skies were breathtaking, the charming picnic setup with flowers perfectly arranged, candles, complete with picnic basket filled with delectable treats from Pipeline Bakery and tantalizing sandwiches from Sprout sandwich, the calming and romantic beach with the waves rolling onto the shore, nothing could be more perfect! And then, ‘“It” happened! It started to drizzle!! “Oh great”, I thought to myself, everything was perfect!!! There was nothing I could do but silently pray it would stop and that it would not start to pour!!! I sat there sweating and debating if I should contact our photographer to run and see if they needed an umbrella. However, I was unsure if she was still in what I call, “Awesome Ninja Mode”. (She takes candid photos of the couple, unbeknownst to them! I have NO idea how she does it, but she rocks at it)! One of my setup partners reassured me that it was just a passing shower and that everything would be alright.

Guess what?! He was right!! The showers came intermittently but Hannah and Brady were so sweet; the rain did not seem to damper the moment or the mood! Their love was what able to shine through the rain! A gorgeous Hawaiian rainbow shot across the sky perfectly framing the beach, the picnic, and the couple! What a blessing!! What a beautiful way for them to start on this new journey together as a couple!! ( I am tearing up, just as I am pouring over these reflections)! The creme de la creme of the story is that our photographer was able to capture that perfect shot including the rainbow, the couple, and the beach!!! It is a life lesson that even during difficult times in life, wonderful and beautiful things still happen through it, despite it, and sometimes because of those tough situations!!! And even when difficult things happen, you can still react with a positive attitude like Hannah and Brady!! It will be a lesson I will always remember! “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”! However in our case, I am coining this phrase now…

“ When life showers you with rain, make a rainbow”!”