Jolene Kaneshige Photography

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The Lux Picnic in Paradise

The proposal team and I can’t stop raving about this gorgeous picnic that we absolutely adore.  The Lux, features a full picnic set up on the beach with a personalized photo board, picnic blanket, candles, plenty of pillows, sparkling cider, picnic basket with chocolate covered strawberries, a dozen roses, a musician serenade, and photography to capture the moment.  If not for the fact that we live here…

We all unanimously declared

“This IS how to propose in Hawaii!”

Nothing warms our heart more than adding to the sparks which fans the flames of fiery romance especially for a dream destination proposal on the beach in Oahu, Hawaii.  After all, you made up an excuse to take them out to dinner, get all dressed up, and walk through the hotel to the beach.  

Upon exiting the resort you hear sweet music playing in the background and approach where our musician is playing your favorite love song.  You continue walking hand in hand with your love and bring them closer to the picnic while your heart is racing.  This is your moment.  The moment you have been scheming for weeks and thought of for months.  The butterflies in your stomach are real and your palms sweat.  Everything seems like a blur.

You mumble through your rehearsed speech and ask them “Will you Marry Me?” as you get down on one knee, open the ring box, and wait for a response.  Meanwhile the moments seem like an eternity as they have the most surprised look and smile while trying to cover their face.  “What just happened? Is this a dream?”  The moment is still and the love song continues to play in the distance.  “YES!” is the answer to the sweetest heartfelt moment.  You hug, kiss, and laugh as tears of joy stream down your face.  

The photographer makes themselves known “Congratulations!” They were a total ninja hiding and capturing all the moments on camera.  The musician continues to play music as you take many more photos and get back to the picnic area.  The photos of you and your love greets you on the custom photo board which reserves the area just for you.  There is a picnic basket filled with chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling cider.  Such delightful treats to make this day spent in paradise all that much sweeter.  You settle in to relax on a bed of pillows.  The stress of the day melts away as you fill your glasses and cheer for one of the happiest and memorable days ever!  

We hope you enjoyed this proposal story narrative and that it brought you some inspiration to plan your big moment!  Need more inspiration? Check out some of our other blogs and our Custom Hawaii Proposal Package.   We specialize in creating that perfect surprise engagement that you’ve been envisioning! Are you ready to plan your Dream Destination Proposal on Oahu? We can help you with all the planning, logistics, and set up to make everything as smooth (and painless) as possible. Send us a message! Let’s tell your love story!