Jolene Kaneshige Photography

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When Is It A Good Time To Take Individual Portraits?

In addition to wedding photography I also enjoy shooting portraits such as family portraits, individual portraits/headshots, and pets portraits. Photography is one of those fields that is so diverse! There is truly a type of photography for everyone and every occasion; as its been something that has stuck with me as soon as I could hold a camera. I wonder what types of photos I was interested in taking when I was my younger self. I slightly recall photos of flowers and things anything fun at the time. It has always been a fabulous pass time for both professional work and leisure fun.

Typically, I will ask a client “When was the last time your portrait was taken?” Usually, their response is “Senior Portraits,” for a lifestyle type of session, which was a very long time ago! Otherwise, some jobs encourage having professional headshots handy to keep linked-in, social media profiles, and business cards up to date. We live in a digital age. Its crazy to think how much we use Facebook and Linkedin to stay connected with the world.

As a photographer, my answer to “When is it a good time to take individual portraits?” is ANYTIME is a good time for MORE photos! You could say I’m a bit bias and heavily recommend early morning and sunset! However, it is definitely been trending for more and more people to book a lifestyle portrait session to celebrate a milestone birthday, vacation trip, or to explore self-expression. Booking a photo session is an unique experience in itself because all eyes are on you! That’s right, you are the star of the show! You are putting yourself out there to showcase your best features or to commemorate a special defining moment. Click here to book your session!

Recently, I had the pleasure of photographing Lauren who was vacationing in Hawaii from Canada! She was super excited to be in a warmer climate and so full of energy. She wanted to showcase her agility and flexibility while capturing the beautiful Hawaiian sunset in the background. She has had some previous gymnastics training so please don’t do this at home! Or if you do, please do it safely!

I took her around Magic Island at Ala Moana Beach Park, since we are on the island of Oahu. It’s one of my favorite places to take portraits because there is a lot of great variety and free parking (always a BIG plus). On the East side of the park you have the Kahanamoku Lagoon Harbor and if you walk further in there is a spectacular view of the iconic Diamond Head State Monument. Continuing towards the ocean side there is a rock wall and a man made lagoon to the right of it. During this time of year it has amazing sunsets! I will post a few photos from our session below!

To read more about the best times to take photos check out these two posts: Sunrise VS Sunset Photography Part I and Part II. If you have any questions please send me a message! Have fun and keep shooting!