COVID-19 Update Regarding Travel To Hawaii


Aloha everyone,

Here’s a quick news up date.

As of March 26th anyone flying into Hawaii will be issued a mandatory 14 day quarantine. This includes visitors and residents.

Each of the Hawaii counties have their own restrictions ranging from the movement of visitors and residents. Starting today, March 23,2020 at 4:30pm all residents in Honolulu are required to stay and work from home until Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 4:30 pm.

In addition, there will be a statewide lockdown from 3/26, Wednesday onward. This is to limit non essential travel and reduces the virus’s ability to be a “community spread” (people getting infected in an area) virus.

Read the full article here

View the full coverage of the Novel Coronavirus here

2-1-1 Call Center for Information on COVID-19

The Aloha United Way call center is open daily between 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. For information or questions about COVID-19:

Call 2-1-1 from any location in the state

Text 877-275-6569


Visit or

Here’s what we know about the virus:

It can live up to 3 hours in the air

It can be spread from person to person

Close contact (within 6ft)

Respiratory droplets (sweat, sneezing, and/or coughing)

It can survive on contaminated surfaces:

4 hours of copper

24 hours on cardboard

2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel

Official information from the CDC and New England Journal of Medicine

This is all official information from various reputable Hawaii and other news sources. We felt that it was pertinent to pass on this information since it is directly related those that are visiting or vacationing in Hawaii.

Please know that in support of our community effort, if you are unable to travel to Hawaii and we have scheduled a session, your deposit will go towards rescheduling.

The featured image is by the CDC on Unsplash

The next post will cover how we can help each other during this crazy time. Stay safe everyone!


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COVID-19 Update