Posh Picnic Proposal


By, Tabitha Miki FDI CFD, Head Floral Designer

Aloha to our faithful readers! Today I decided to feature our posh picnics! Since Posh Picnics are all the rage especially for surprise proposals and elopements in Hawaii.

A Posh Picnic is a stylized picnic with beautiful linens, dinnerware, glasses, flatware, centerpieces, and a gourmet meal.

It is a great way to add romance to your Surprise Proposal on the beach in Hawaii! It allows you to be more relaxed; enjoy the moment and your surroundings, while maintaining an element of luxury!

It is even better when you take that romantic stroll on the golden Hawaiian shores to propose to your loved one then lead them to a Posh Picnic that has been set up for you! You need only to show up and let the crashing waves and cool sea breeze set the mood for you and your soon to be spouse!

How it Works:

  • Send us a Message to schedule your free phone consultation

  • Reserve your Proposal Date with a 50% deposit

  • Choose your location or venue

  • Select a theme and color scheme

We take care of all the finer design and planning details such as set-up, and photographing your secret proposal and will keep you apprised. We also send you an email with directions to the venue, and instructions on what to do on the day of the proposal!

You bring your partner and the ring, we take care of designing, planning, logistics, set up, photography, and clean up! It is the best way to enjoy a picnic! No hauling a heavy cart, multiple trips to the car, stressing on setting things just right; it has all been perfectly created for you! I know, I have tested it personally! I can definitely attest to the quality and simplicity of hiring a professional to create that perfect picnic setting!

“That sounds great, but I’m unsure on how to choose a theme, or color scheme.” Allow our professional proposal and design professionals to take out the guesswork!

Theme Ideas:

  • Beach Elegance

  • Hawaiian Luau

  • Romantic Reds

  • Fairytales

  • Vintage

  • Movie Themed

  • TV Show Theme

Ultimately, the best themes are themes that are meaningful to both of you. A movie, book, or tv show you both enjoy together. It could be the first movie you saw on your first date, or a movie that happens to be both of your favorites!

Ready to plan that surprise proposal in Hawaii with a posh picnic custom designed for you? Send us a message! We would love to tell your story!


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