Hawaii Theatre: The Gem Of Downtown


By, Tabitha Miki Floral Designer for Jolene Kaneshige Photography

I have never really realized how grand the Hawaii Theatre looks! Maybe it was the fact it is located in downtown Honolulu, or maybe I have never truly stopped to appreciate its architecture and the time period it evokes! A few years back, I had the privilege of attending an event there, that ushered me into the 1940s. Which gave me the perfect opportunity to truly appreciate the theatre while learning about the theatre’s roots. Built in 1922, The Hawaii Theatre is the second largest performing facility in the state, while being the last of its kind in O’ahu! Hawaii Theatre has also been recognized not only locally, but nationally and internationally as well for its beauty and technical capabilities! The theatre itself transports you to a different time and place! It speaks to a lost era of extreme glamour and high society, the type of place a hopeless romantic’s creativity can run wild!

This brought me to an incredible idea that a movie buff or a couple that is fond of that time period could have a destination proposal in Hawaii, but it would be someplace interesting and different! A throwback to the 1920’s in Hawaii, but with a luxurious modern twist! I can imagine the shot right now! A shower of rose petals in the air as the handsome young man goes down on bended knee to propose to the love of his life! Imagine setting the scene that ushers in a golden age of love and commitment in front of such an iconic venue! What an incredible and memorable proposal! Then imagine walking down the red carpet of rose petals and being whisked away from the theatre in a classic limo that exudes old movie star glamour!

Budget not an issue? What about renting out the entire theatre and having a screening of your favorite moments together? Having your name in lights with the mention of The Hawaii Theatre in the background marking a phenomenal momentous occasion! Then being able to propose on the stage to your loved one! It would not only be an incredible experience but also something a little more out of the box! After the proposal why not have an intimate, romantic cocktail party for the two of you with some drinks and appetizers in their cozy, charming lounge! Capping it all off with a gorgeous send off in a classic limo!

These are just a few ideas that started firing off in my head as I left the event! I continued to think of more ideas as the evening progressed! It was an incredibly romantic and wonderful evening! I adored the event at the theatre and even more spectacular was the company!! I couldn’t wait to be able to share some of the fabulous ideas of this surprise, romantic proposal with our readers! Life here on our beautiful island inspires so many fabulous ideas! Thinking about whisking the love of your life to our fabulous venues here? Need help planning? Contact us at mail@jolenekaneshige.com We would love to help tell your story!


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