It’s Like A Movie! Putting Myself In Their Shoes!


By, Tabitha Miki FDI Head Floral Designer

Almost every girl I know loves a good “chick flick”! The hopeless romantic wooing the girl of his dreams and getting to “pop” the question; but never in my wildest dreams, did I ever imagine I would have the privilege of taking part in setting the stage for that romantic, Hawaiian, “it’s just like the movies” surprise proposal! It’s truly such an amazing experience being allowed to play a “role” in someone’s proposal plans in Hawaii! Whether it is designing the scenes with one of my best friends, (who is the most talented photographer in my opinion) in order to set the mood, listening to the couple’s story of how they met, designing the beautiful floral arrangements, to actually piecing everything together, or working with the lovestruck gentlemen wanting to propose to the love of his life, it’s a beautiful, romantic love story that unfolds before my eyes! Whatever the task, it is difficult to choose what part I enjoy the most! Maybe it’s a combination of everything!! All I know is watching the proposal is absolutely magical; especially when it is a surprise! It truly is like that perfect romantic movie;the handsome couple strolling on the tropical shores of Waialae Beach Park in Hawaii, hand in hand, completely in love! Suddenly, they “happen” upon a beautiful, lavish picnic setup complete with gorgeous orchid leis and a tasty picnic basket brimming with sumptuous sandwiches and tantalizing pastries!

The gorgeous woman’s hands fly to her face in complete shock and ecstasy! The handsome young man goes down on bended knee as he sings of her virtues that have captured his heart, spouting how he doesn’t want to spend another day apart from her! Slowly, carefully he brings out the tiny velvet box containing the most stunning diamond ring, and gazes into her eyes and asks, “Will you marry me.”

She in turn, looks at him with tears in her eyes and a smile from ear to ear. She throws her arms around him saying, “YES!” He kisses her passionately and suddenly lifts her up into the air, twirling around in pure bliss!Then gently lowering her and ending the moment with that perfect kiss! (Ok, ok,ok, I made the twirling part up,and the kissing scene, but hey, you know you liked it!). I watched them briefly, from my hiding spot, as they happily retreat to the lavish, beautiful picnic on Hawaiian sands,listen to the crashing waves and watch the breathtaking Hawaiian sun dip into the tropical waters. The end of one chapter of their lives and a brand new beginning just waiting to start!

Such a beautiful scene! I don’t want it to end! But as the sunlight begins to fade, the striking, ecstatic couple stroll off with their pretty orchid leis commemorating their romantic start to their new chapter! I sadly watch them leave the beach wanting to rewind and watch the whole surreal show play out before my eyes again! But the good news is, in a way, I will get to see it all again! I will be able to see all the fabulous photos of their engagement story in Hawaii and relive the entire experience as many times as I choose, (after our ninja photographer finishes sending the couple their images) and so will our lovestruck couple! They will be able to see those photos and relive this moment in time and draw upon it to always keep that flame burning strong! An amazingly lovely end to the day! *smile* As much as I want to linger and bask in the moment, it’s time for the team and I to clean up “the set,” and that’s a wrap for the evening!


Making Rainbows Out Of Rain (Reflections On A Proposal Set Up)


Waimanalo Bay, East Oahu