Themed Proposals: Reflections On A Photo Shoot


By, Tabitha Miki FDI Head Floral Designer

I love a good scheming session with our head “ninja” photographer here at Jolene Kaneshige Photography, because so many amazing projects and products have come from one simple brainstorm! In one conversation about photo shoots, she had a genius idea about doing a themed, romantic engagement photo shoot! I absolutely adored the idea! Not only will there be a surprise engagement style photo shoot,but also something fun and engaging for our soon to be “engaged” couples to think about! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Pardon the pun.) We proceeded to make a list of all the holidays and occasions we could think of that would be a great fit for our themed proposals and set up our schedule for shoots! I couldn’t wait to get planning on each of the shoots! I could already feel the creative juices flowing and those gears starting to turn! This was going to be amazing!

First up, since it’s October it seemed fitting to start there! A spook-tacular get away with a Macabre loving couple taking a trip to a tropical destination! A bouquet of thorny red roses, with their heads clipped off, save one lonely rose about to be clipped, with fiddlehead fern, argonis, and Pele’s hair wrapped around it! Perhaps a black diamond engagement ring? There were so many different possibilities!

I moved on to the next holiday, one of my favorites, Christmas! Imagine having a Clara on Hawaiian shores but still be surrounded by pine trees, and a Nutcracker prince on one knee holding a velvety ring box with a beautiful engagement ring inside! It would be epic! Instead of snowflakes, a shower of orchid heads gently fluttering over them. I could feel so many different ideas to make each scene come to life and tell their story! I wanted to make the set up happen at that very moment! I could also already envision a picnic set up Christmas package in my mind with reds, golds, and silver accents, edible mint leaves covered in gold leaf and frozen into ice cubes to cover a chilled bottle of apple cider! Scenes of the nutcracker put on the beach blanket and pillows encrusted with beading or gold and/or silver sequins! Oh! I could hardly wait to start on that! Each theme, each holiday brought more opportunities to think outside the box and reach for the stars! It made me think about all the great creative opportunities proposals lends itself to, and then I started to reflect on the proposal itself. The greatest thing about the proposal itself is whether you are fun and imaginative, simple and traditional, or enjoy themes, it’s about creating a space to show the one you love and care for that you want to spend the rest of your life with them! The outside things, the settings, flowers, are great ways to show them that you know them, to show them you will go to the moon and back for them! However, they are only tools.The most important thing is your love and commitment to one another! That is what is romantic! So don’t be afraid to use the amazing tools around you to set the scene! Simple to absolutely lavish! The sky’s the limit! If you need help planning, contact us here at Jolene Kaneshige Photography, we would love to help tell your story!


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A Spooktacular Bouquet