Travel Adventures


During the holidays most people would be flocking to Hawaii! Who wouldn’t? People all over the world come here to get married and sit on a beach or in a hammock to escape the freezing cold weather. We have 70-80 degree temperatures, warmth, the beach, and sunlight all year round. Not to mention those amazing Hawaiian sunrises and sunsets! In my mind, I imagine it to be the island of endless summer weddings.

However, in my case for the past few years I have been flying North for the winter to spend the holidays with my partner’s family in Upstate New York. This year I am also photographing a wedding in Chicago so I’m very excited about that! We are hoping for a white wedding! This makes for great travel adventures, photography escapades, and new experiences for a Hawaii girl like myself. One of my main drives to be a photographer is based on travel. I can’t imagine being stuck in the same place and God forbid I ever leave Hawaii! I need to be out in the world exploring and feeding my wanderlust. Although right now it’s 30 degrees and snowing outside of my window so I sure am missing the warmth of the Hawaiian sun.

This makes for interesting new experiences such as: being in weather below freezing, fireflies, squirrels, snakes, and poison oak/ivy! Oh my! If in doubt I really can’t touch anything.

Thinking about and being in this snowy freezing weather makes shiver, Brrrrr!!!! You might be thinking… that’s not so bad… but, for someone like myself, when we say it’s cold in Hawaii that means put on a light jacket to go with your shorts. Someone had to explain the layering thing to me, then having the foresight and wish of not wanting to be cold I went hunting ahead of time for some wintry gear.

Lucky for me costco had some sales on thermal clothing so I did some shopping! Although after being in the cold, it doesn’t seem like 5 layers of clothing is enough. I was so bundled up the other day and my face felt like it was sooo frozen!

On the bright side the ability to explore and being in a new place has a new type of magic. I can’t get over how cool fireflies are! I spent the better part a few evenings trying to catch them in a jar. We don’t have these creatures in Hawaii, so it was an incredibly novel experience to chase them with nets. At one point I started thinking, is this what it’s like to be 5 years old again?

Then there are squirrels, lots of them! I feel like the dog from the Pixar animated film “Up,” everytime I see one. They are such agile ninjas! The bird feeders really don’t stand a chance. They jump from the roof, slide down the wire, tip over the bird feeder, and jump down. I think the closest thing we have to squirrels in Hawaii are Mongoose.

Also, Snakes in the backyard! What? You can even have pet snakes in the house. Although if you think snakes in the house is an issue outside there is Poison Oak and Ivy! I really can’t touch anything, but there is no greater feeling than waking up to snow falling outside my window then singing “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.”

Snow has given me an appreciation for the warm Hawaiian sun, the ability to really enjoy hot cocoa/coffee and the novel experience of sitting next to a fireplace (since we don’t have fireplaces in Hawaii. Never needed one).

It’s great to be out adventuring, knowing that I will be back to Hawaii next year with a fresh perspective, ready to keep that shutter clicking! I can’t wait to help plan your family portrait session, surprise engagement, or destination wedding. Happy holidays!


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