Kilauea Volcano Erupts On The Big Island Of Hawaii


I’ve been getting messages from Coordinators, Friends, and Family asking if I’m doing OK in lieu of all the volcanic activity that has been happening. The short answer is, YES. I am doing fine. =)

The long answer is we are experiencing some volcanic activity on the Big Island of Hawaii. The state of Hawaii is comprised 8 islands (Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii). I am located on Oahu which is known for Honolulu and Waikiki.

The Kilauea eruption only affects the southeast corner of the Big Island on Hawaii Island. As of 5/22/19 there are now 22 fissures (and perhaps more will be opening up soon). It has come to my attention that there have been a few news sources that have been spreading some wrong information. For example: “Oahu residents have been forced to evacuate.” This is certainly not true. The eruption is on the Big island of Hawaii and Oahu is at least 200 miles away, by plane. In fact, the island of Maui stands in between us and the Volcano Goddess Pele.

If you are thinking “Should I cancel my trip to Oahu, Hawaii.” Please rest assure that we are safe here on Oahu. Gas prices went up a little and its a little more voggy than usual, but everything else is fine.

In case you are not sure what “Vog” means; it is a hazy air pollution created by the active volcano. It looks like smog or fog. This is wikipedia’s definition: “Sulfur dioxide and other gases and particles emitted by an erupting volcano react with oxygen and moisture in the presence of sunlight.”

For more information please check pages such as: Hawaii News Now or Hawaii Forest and Trail. Please see the google maps photo for reference. The red dot is the eruption site and the blue dot is us on Oahu!


Eternity Beach, East Oahu


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