Respecting the 'Aina and its Laws

There are plenty of stunning locations to choose from when you want a surprise beach proposal in Hawaii! However, along with these gorgeous locales come a few laws in order to keep our residents and guests alike safe. I know it is not the most romantic or blissful part of the planning process, but it is absolutely crucial to be aware of the laws and permitting system as it pertains to planning your magical destination proposal in Oahu, Hawaii! 

Nothing kills the romance and joy of the moment than having to be served a reminder or possibly being fined for ignoring the laws of the land. If you are planning your destination proposal and see a stunning locale, please do your due diligence and research the area online. It is easy to research on our local government sites what areas are permitted and safe to hold your romantic surprise engagement! 

Also, if you are hiring a proposal coordinator or professional photographer, make sure that they are obtaining all the correct permits for your event.

Here’s a brief summary of Hawaii law regarding to events:

  • Any commercial event or private event conducted on DNLR controlled lands must purchase a permit through the Wiki permit site. This includes weddings, parties, and events. The permits have a guest limit and a duration which includes set up time and the duration of the event.

  • The permit does not entitle the licensed permit holder to ask or demand other guests to move. 

  • The permit holder must also have insurance for the event and take responsibility for the event. 

  • Permits are for unencumbered shorelines and not for private property adjacent to the permitted area.

  • Photographers, guests, and event attendees may not ignore “No Trespassing” signs! Please be safe and remember that this rule is for your safety as well as for our front line workers’ safety as well.

  • Culturally sensitive sites are off limits!

There is a tiered system for offenses for conducting unauthorized events ranging from a $5,000 fine to 30 days in jail.

*Reference (Senate Bill *895,

It only takes one person to spoil the privilege of hosting events on our beaches for everyone.  Avoid trespassing onto dangerous trails, or fenced areas. Remember, the most important part of the day is you and your partner enjoying the day together.

Need some ideas on venues? Click here to visit our website and see some of the breathtaking beaches we love to host our happy couples at! Are you ready to take the next step and need help planning your perfect destination proposal in Hawaii? Send us a message! We would love to tell your story!


The Clean Up


How to include family in your Surprise Proposal